Thursday, January 11, 2018

Montessori Classroom News January 11, 2018

Word Game: Rhyming!
Rhyming is fun! Say, “Let’s think of words that sound like (rhyme with) ____” (“bat”, for example).  The first few times you play this game, you may be the only one thinking of words at first – and that’s okay. Enjoy yourself, and soon your child will be offering words too. (Feel free to dramatize/act out words as you say them!)

Examples: cat/bat/hat/mat, bug/rug/mug/dug,
A variation: Let your child say the first word, and then you (or you and the child) can think of words that rhyme with the child’s selection. This is a way to get your child involved in the game even if she is not yet able to come up with rhyming words her/himself, and still gives practice hearing the rhyming sounds
Rhyming is one of the best predictors of reading success, so practice with rhyming at home is a great support for your child’s language development at school. If your child doesn’t seem to automatically pick up on rhyming, don’t worry – it’s a skill that your child can learn and develop.
         In addition to playing this rhyming game, you can also read books (and poems) that rhyme, and notice when “accidental” rhymes happen in everyday conversation.

Notes & Reminders

Monday, Jan 15 – NO SCHOOL

Health & Wellness
Cold season illnesses are here. We continue to practice hygiene in the classroom – handwashing, using tissues, covering coughs and sneezes with an arm, etc.
Children must stay home if they have a fever, vomiting, diarrhea, rashes, pink eye. They may return to school when they have been symptom-free (without medication) for 24 hours.
We realize this can be inconvenient with parent work schedules, but it is necessary to prevent exposing other children to illness, and helps your child make a full recovery faster.

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